Naviga nel sito della Scuola di Scienze Matematiche Fisiche e Naturali

The Master's Degree Course in Geological Sciences and Technologies trains master's graduates in the field of Geology who have in-depth methodological, technological and scientific skills aimed at the analysis, both qualitative and quantitative, and the evaluation of processes linked to the internal and external dynamics of Planet Earth.

The Course of Study is divided into four diversified training paths, which cover the most important and relevant technical-scientificareas of Geological Sciences:

  • - Curriculum in Analysis and Evolution of the Earth System;
  • - Curriculum in Dynamics of Volcanic Systems;
  • - Curriculum in Environmental Geology and Georesources;
  • - Curriculum in Geotechnologies for the Environment and Territory.

Graduates in Geological Sciences and Technologies develop the ability to:

Provide an in-depth assessment of the causes and zoning of the various geological risks (volcanic, hydrogeological, seismic, environmental) and implement monitoring, prediction, prevention and mitigation techniques in the sectors of geological-environmental safety;

Address issues related to territorial and environmental planning interventions, geo-technological design and evaluation of the relationships between geological and anthropic environments;

Evaluate and plan the research and exploitation of geological resources in the mining, geothermal, hydrogeological and stone materials fields.

Graduates will be able to carry out professional activities in all areas of geosciences and in the various sectors connected with the industrial world and both basic and applied research, in public administrations, private institutions, companies and professional firms(also through registration with the Order Professional) as well as in the fields of national and international teaching and research with access to the PhD.

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